About artist
Nina Tokhtaman Valetova is a New York based artist who holds a Master's degree in Art from the University BGPU in Ufa. She has been working as a painter since 1982. Nina's work explores the relationship between ancient cultures, mythologies, fantasy, metaphysics, and philosophy.
Her paintings and drawings cannot be classified within a particular framework of definitions or styles. In general, Nina's art defies categorization, and each piece is often created in several styles. Nina is constantly searching for new ways to create art, and as a result, she has established the Synthesis Art Style in contemporary art, which combines suprematism, surrealism, cubism, abstract, and figurative arts.
Nina Valetova's name is included among most investable and prominent artists in the Art Investment & Collectors Guide 2025 by Art Market Experts and Contemporary Art Collectors teams.
Linkong Contemporary Art Museum, Beijing, China
WikiArt.org, the online home for visual arts from all around the world.
Art-Wiki. Contemporary Artists International
Selected Exhibitions
2024 Grary Art Gallery museum,Warren, PA, United States
2024 Vogue|7th Edition|, Boomer Gallery, London, UK
2023 " Walking With Giants - 1st Edition" , Boomer Gallery, London, UK. Co-curator Anthony Fawcett
2023 World Art Dubai. Solo exhibition. Dubai, UAE
2022 "Vatican Artists of Fame", Chancellery Vatican Palace, Vatican
2021 " Art Bestseller! 2021" , Luigi Bellini Museum, Florence, Italy
2021 " Moscow - Turin Tour", Turin, Italy. Gefen Gallery, Moscow, Russia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy5qwysiTnA
2021 " The Best International Artists of International Art in Rome 2021", Rome, Italy. The International association Art Gallery IL Collezionista https://www.facebook.com/100000470567083/videos/6074107659281526/
2019 "Artexpo New York 2019", New York, NY. United States
2011 A. Jain Marunouchi Gallery, New York, NY, U.S.A.
2011 "Arte Pordenone", Artinvest SRL Torra della Filanda, Pordenone, Italy. Other artists of gallery: Vassily Kandinsky, Alexandra Exter
2011 "Arte Genova 2011", Artinvest SRL Torra della Filanda, Fiera di Genova, Genova (Genoa), Italy. Other artists of gallery: Vassily Kandinsky, Alexandra Exter
Exhibited together with Amedeo Modigliani, Andy Warhol, Marc Chagall, Pablo Picasso, Victor Vasarely
2011 Vernissage, Artinvest SRL Torra della Filanda, Rivoli, Torino (Turin), Italy
2010 2010 -2011 "From history to contemporary", jma Gallery / N Gallery / Euro-Asian Art and Culture Organization, Wien (Vienna), Austria
Group exhibition. Artists: Francisco Goya, Picasso, Salvador Dali, Marc Chagall, Victor Vaserely & Lucas Cranach and contemporary artists from Paris and Vienna.
2009 "Metamorphosis", Agora Gallery, New York, NY, U.S.A. https://www.agora-gallery.com/exhibitions/Reception_Photo_Album_old.aspx?exhibitionDate=7/21/2009
2009 "Zolotoj Venec" ("Golden Tiara"), Chuvash State Art Museum, Cheboksary, Russia
2001 "ArtManege 2001", Manege, Moskva (Moscow), Russia
2001 "Zolotaja Kist' 2001" ("Golden Brush 2001"), New Manege, Moskva (Moscow), Russia
1990-1991 Boulevard Galerie, Kopnhagen (Copenhaven), Denmark
Public collections
Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moskva (Moscow), Russia
Chuvash State Art Museum, Cheboksary, Russia
Novocheboksarsk Art Museum, Novocheboksarsk, Russia
Omsk Center of Contemporary Art, Omsk, Russia
Private collections
Paintings and drawings are in private collections in United States, Russia, Austria, Denmark, Dubai UAE
Publications and interviews
*2025 Art investment & Collectors Guide 2025. Art Market &Art Collectors team, https://issuu.com/contemporaryartcollectors
*2023 " Nina Tokhtaman Valetova" Review by Anthony Fawcett. London, UK, https://boomergallery.net/critics-spotlight
*2022 "Art on World", international magazine of Art and Finance, Italy https://www.flipsnack.com/artonworld/artonworld-n5.html
*2021 Aesthetica Magazine, The Aesthetica Artists’ Directory and print issue 100, UK https://issuu.com/aesthetica_magazine/docs/aesthetica-issue100?fr= sZGY5OTIzNjEzMTQ
* 2020" The Museum of Modern Art", MoMA issue, "World of Art", MoMA issue, contemporary art magazine, issue 9 volume1
* 2018 "Transformations", the official Tumblr page of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, https://sfmoma.tumblr.com/post/175612218260/transformations-acrylic-painting-artist-nina
* 2018 Heliopause Magazine, literary and arts journal, 2018, https://www.heliopausemag.com/blog/feeling-hearing-and-vision
* 2018 Appunti di Vita, Social Blog di Arte e Cultura, 2018, http://www.appuntidivita.eu/alfa/
* 2017 Nina Tokhtaman Valetova, Alberto Moioli - AICA International, 2017 http://www.albertomoioli.it/2017/10/23/nina-tokhtaman-valetova/
* 2017 Interview with Nina Tokhtaman Valetova with Peter de Kuster, 2017
* 2017 Ampersand Literary, online platform for writers, painters , photographers, 2017,
* 2017 Not Random Art, art magazine, 2017 https://www.joomag.com/magazine/mag/0453967001486734623?page=110
* 2017 Art People, website, https://www.artpeoplegallery.com/how-i-do-my-paintings-nina-tokhtaman-valetova/
* 2017 Art Reveal Magazine 2017 https://issuu.com/artrevealmagazine/docs/29/108
* 2017 The Arthunters, website, article "A look at the Works of Nina Tokhtaman Valetova " 2017 https://www.thearthunters.com/look-works-nina-tokhtaman-valetova/
* 2016 ART QA Magazine SPRING 2016, https://issuu.com/artqa/docs/art_qa_issue_4, 2016
* 2016 HOOP DOOP MAGAZINE ISSUE , 2016 , https://issuu.com/hoopdoop/docs/hoopdoop25/31
* 2014 "Hidden Treasure Art Magazine Yearbook" UK, 2014 https://issuu.com/htartmagazinepublishing/docs/htamy_2014_volume_ii
2024 World Art Awards, American Art Awards, 2024
2024 Art Collectors Choice, American Art Awards, United States
2023 Award “ARTIST OF THE YEAR 2023” for the Best in Art &Creativity. World of Art, contemporary art magazine
2022 Diploma of merit " Vatican Artists of Fame", Chancellery Vatican Palace, Vatican
2021 Diploma with special mention for the creative skills and professionalism. The International Association Art Gallery ILCollezionista. Rome, Italy
2021 Diploma of merit for the demonstrated commitment and amazing artistic quality. The International Association Art Gallery IL Collezionista. Rome, Italy
2018 American Art Award, category cubism, United States
2012 Diploma for high professionalism and personal contribution to development of modern art, International Art Academy, Moskva (Moscow), Russia.
2009 Premio ALBA 2009 Certificate and Medal, Casa Editrice Alba, Ferrara, Italy
1994 Honorable Mention, Unifem Art Exhibition, Dallas, TX, U.S.A
*2022 " Enciclopedia dei contemporanei dell'Arte", Associazione Culturale Ad-Art, Artists in the World, Italy
*2021 " Art Bestseller 2021", The Art Book, Associazione Internazionale Galleria "IL Collezionista", Rome, Italy
*2019 "Frankfurt Artistic Portfolio", Palermo, Italy. https://issuu.com/studiobyblos/docs/frankfurt_artistic_portfolio_2019_layout_1
*2016 *Awarded Art, Art Book, Vol 3, 2016, https://www.awarded-art.com/, Gremany
*2011 "Fantasy and Visionary Art of Nina Tokhtaman Valetova", Amasin Art Gallery, U.S.A.
*2011 "Colleción di obras Nina Tokhtaman Valetova", Suu Art Magazine, no.88 2011, Valencia, Spain
*2011 "Alternative worlds of Nina Valetova", Sergey Kuskov Memorial Website, Moskva (Moscow), Russia
*2011 "Catalogo Arte Genova 2011, ArtePadova, 2012, https://issuu.com/artepadova/docs/artegenova2011
*2011 "Artinvest s.r.l. Galleria d'Arte e casa d'aste", no.32 February-March 2011, p.154, Art&tra, Italy
*2011 2011 International Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Art , Casa Editrice Alba, Ferrara, Italy
*2010 "Torra della Filanda", Immagina Arte in Fiera Catalog, Italy
*2009 Sourcebook to the Art World 2009 Guide, Art in America, U.S.A.
*2009 "Nina Valetova", ArtisSpectrum, vol. 21, New York, NY, https://www.artisspectrum.com/magazine/21//files/assets/common/downloads/publication.pdf?uni=c2996d5b7d5d9248336eed4e2b544a81
*2009 2009 International Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Art, Casa Editrice Alba, Ferrara, Italy
*Annually since 2006 "Unified Artists Catalog", Professional Artists Union, Moskva (Moscow), Russia
*2002 Russian Artistic Guide 2002, London Contemporary Art, London, U.K.
*2001 "Zvezda ArtManega" ("Star of ArtManege"), Kultura (Culture), no.48 (7305) 20-26 December 2001, Moskva (Moscow), Russia
*2001 ArtManege Exhibition Center Catalog, ArtManege, Moskva (Moscow), Russia
*2001 "Nina Valetova: World From the Other Side”, ArtYarmarka Gallery, Moskva (Moscow), Russia